The Star Destroyers – TARC Amateur Rocketry Team

The Star Destroyers are a local Albuquerque team made up of 7th and 8th grade students. They competed against over 5,000 other students in The American Rocketry Challenge and have qualified for the 2023 National Finalist competition in Washington, DC. TARC is a nationwide amateur rocket competition for grades 6-12, where teams are tasked with designing and launching a rocket containing an egg to 850 feet and landing it safely within 45 seconds. The Star Destroyers are the only team from New Mexico to qualify for the national finals competition.
The team is looking to raise approximately $10,000 to cover travel and lodging for Nationals in Virginia. If you’d like to learn more about the team, the rocket, or the competition, please reach out to Jason Sievert, the team advisor at
If you’d like to sponsor, please fill out the form below or make a check out to NewSpace Nexus with “TARC” as the memo.